Remembrance Sunday; the day/week when every trumpeter ends up playing the Last Post somewhere - Department for Education at Westminster for me!
Engaging Audiences/Supersonics Workshop; prepared and performed a 40 minute interactive concert to a class of primary school children as part of the Reception & Interpretation module as a second year at Conservatoire.

Album Release; played in the backing group for Dave Bilbrough's latest album release in Brick Lane.
Admin task; I was employed by my Head of Department to complete an admin task involving orchestral excerpts and a LOT of printing, I'm glad that's over!
Recording; the band "Little Blue Light" asked me to record the trumpet line in one of their tracks for the new album. Lovely group of people, nice tunes!
Tchaik 6 concert; on the same day as the recording I helped out University College London (UCL) in their symphony orchestra concert where we performed Tchaikovsky symphony no.6 (my favourite symphony by Tchaik!) at St Pancras Church.
Carol concerts; the December carol concert total this time was 9...2 in brass quintets, 2 as solo trumpet & organ, 1 in the local church mix of brass and woodwind, 1 in a brass band and 3 where I was allowed to be part of the audience/congregation! I think I did my fair share of carols. Oh, we also went carol singing around the village to raise money for Save the Children!
Luckily things calmed down a bit after that and I was able to relax after Christmas before returning to the mayhem of London in the New Year! I've noticed that a lot of what I ramble on about actually isn't Conservatoire stuff directly, but it's all related right? Hope you've enjoyed this whistle-stop tour of my trumpet student life during November and December and I'll get you up to date with January very soon!
S x
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