It's been a mixed few weeks. Don't get me wrong, I still love Budapest but I guess now I've settled into a routine the ups and downs of daily life seem more significant than they were! Having said that, an explosion right next to your university isn't exactly what you would call "normal daily life". So that was strange and pretty sad. Two police officers were injured and although it was initially thought to be a gas explosion, later theories are that a home-made bomb was the cause due to a large amount of nails found at the scene and witnesses. You can obviously read more on the media pages but that caused a bit of disruption and a less positive atmosphere over the weekend. Shame to start on a negative but I'm sure prayers for the two police officers would be appreciated.

Moving on to more cheerier topics, a highlight of last week was when my Mum and younger brother, David, came to visit! It was great to see some familiar, British faces and in between my studying I enjoyed showing them round the city I've come to know and love. On Thursday afternoon we walked up to Heroes' square and round the city park, where I went on my own first day in Budapest! As autumn is well on it's way it looked a bit different compared to during the summer. The leaves have started changing colour and there was a festival with lots of stalls selling food and agricultural things which took up most of the castle grounds! They did have some pretty adorable displays though...
Vegetable train! |
With my mother on a boat in front of parliament. |
The following day we took a sight-seeing boat up the Danube, stopping off at Margít Híd (St Margaret Island) so my visitors could see the main sights of Budapest and we enjoyed a lovely lunch of Lángos - basically deep fried dough served with a variety of toppings. So unhealthy but so delicious! During their stay we also trekked up to the castle district to see Buda Castle and the wonderful view of the city and just generally had a great time catching up. Although I haven't really missed home, it's always nice to see your family again!
Since I'm doing 2 weeks in one go I'm struggling to remember everything I've done in that time so this will likely be highlights and may have another post to come shortly covering the other half/study-related parts!

Now this Saturday just gone was the 1st October. I wore shorts and sandals and had a wonderful day in the sunshine with my girl friends Ellé and Salina. Today, October 5th it was 10 degrees celsius and I had my warmest scarf and boots on. How on earth does the weather change so rapidly?! At least it's predictable. And it's not raining, unlike England. Anyhow, we went on an adventure to Óbuda Island, which required taking a suburban railway train! It's a bit further up the Danube and a lot more natural due to the lack of mainstream tourists. I even had a lovely paddle in the river, which I definitely wouldn't do in the Thames. Continuing the nature theme we then headed to Városmajor to hop on the Cog wheel tram, which took us up into the Buda hills and enabled us to reach Normafa - a fantastic viewing point with various trails leading off into the woods, it felt like we could have been deep in the countryside! I do love getting out of the city into the beautiful nature that is all around us and I'm so thankful that Budapest provides such an easy access way of doing this.
360 rooftop bar |
Final thing for this post as it's getting late, I went somewhere cool on Friday night - yes, another cool place in Budapest, who would've thought? Following our Erasmus welcome meeting (including free food!) we went out to celebrate a birthday in the group and headed to the 360 rooftop bar. As the name suggests, this is a bar on a roof with a 360 degree view all the way round of Budapest. Because it was dark when we arrived, we only saw the lit up parts of the city but that was pretty cool anyway and it would be strange going to a bar in the day time, right? Sadly my phone memory has been filling up quickly so I don't have any pictures of the view but here's one of the cute set up.
Well, I've booked practice at 9am tomorrow so I'll have to shoot off for some shut-eye but I'm going to pledge another post to you before Sunday as there has been lots of musical excitement happening as well! Hope you're having a wonderful autumn.
S x
View of the Chain Bridge from the boat. |
Part of Buda Castle I hadn't seen before. |
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